I am concerned about my neighbor who is elderly can I make a report?
Yes anyone can report a concern to Adult Protective [...]
I need help with housekeeping and making dinners, does Adult Services help with this?
Adult Services requires an application and services provided are [...]
My mother needs to be in a nursing home, can Adult Protective Services put her in a home?
Adult Protectives Services does not have the authority to [...]
Does Adult Services provide transportation to the grocery store or appointments?
Adult Services requires an application and services provided are [...]
How do I get Meals on Wheels?
For home delivered meals call Seniors First, Shenandoah Area [...]
I am being evicted from my home and need housing
All cases of homelessness and at risk of becoming [...]
How Do I Report Adult Abuse?
Please report incidents or suspected incidents of Adult Abuse, [...]
I made a report to Adult Protective Services and know that maltreatment occurred, but the case was closed. Why did this happen?
There could be several reasons as to why the [...]
I made a report to Adult Protective Services, but have not heard back from the program about the status of the allegations I reported. Why is this?
Despite being a government record, APS records and the [...]